Yesterday, I had to cover the junket for the upcoming Will Ferrell/John C. Reilly comedy, Step Brothers. Not surprisingly, they were both there, along with their frequent collaborator, director Adam McKay.
Ferrell came in holding one of the giant bowls of cobb salad that he obviously snagged from the lunch buffet for us journos, pretending to proffer it to us as a lovely host. Amusing. John C. Reilly was dressed in a rather snazzy slightly funky suit type get up, although that still doesn't really, you know, make him sexy (Ferrell was suited up, too, just not quite as funkily). Somewhat worryingly, McKay appeared to have some sort of Parkinsonian-like tremor going on. Initially I thought it might just be nervous type shaking, and although it did seem to lessen somewhat during the half hour press conference, it was always there. He was v young to have something like that going on, definitely looked neurological.
But I digress. The three had a great time during the press conference and made lots of ridiculous jokes the entire time, much as you'd expect. Virtually nothing they said was true, and about 50% of the stuff that they did say that was true was unusable due to discussions of body parts that my company probably frowns upon seeing in print. Let's just say the word of the day was "nutsack." I will say say Ferrell seemed to get a little more serious as the half hour went on, which I can understand. It can be hard to keep up that comedic energy the entire time, esp when they audience isn't matching it. But even harder is knowing that they expect it from you.
Next up were Mary Steenburgen (remember her from Parenthood?) and Richard Jenkins (the dad from Six Feet Under). They were both lovely. She looks amazing, prompting me to assume that she must have had work done. Although whatever that work was you can't tell, which therefore prompts me to want to know who her plastic surgeon is. Jenkins was surprisingly funny for someone who usually plays grumpy/irascible. Both were oddly... ummm... sparklier? in person. They have more of a light in their eyes, I guess, than comes through on screen.
By Applause, Who Hates Audience Polling?
9 years ago
Is Will Ferell that guy who was on MASH?